Si, todo un orgullo pertenecer a una Asociación que tiene representación en la ONU en Grupo de Mujeres.Tenemos voz, pero no voto. Nos da la oportunidad de acudir como delegadas a la celebración de la 60 edición de: La Comisión del Estatus de las Mujeres. Será en marzo - 2016 y hacen falta unos buenos conocimientos de inglés.
A continuación toda la información y el impreso a rellenar para acudir.
Circular 6/2015
30 July 2015
To: GWI Leaders, National Leaders and all Members
From: GWI Headquarters
Subject: Call for Delegates to the 60th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
in New York, 14 – 24 March 2016
The 60th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) will meet in New York on 14 to 24 March 2016 (final dates to be confirmed by the UN). The priority theme will be “Women’s empowerment and the link to sustainable development”. The review theme posted to date is the elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls.
Call for Delegates – Deadline 1st October 2015
NGO delegations for the official 60th CSW Session will be limited. GWI would like to invite members interested in participating to propose their candidacy. Individual delegates will be chosen based on the following criteria:
EITHER current or recent professional/work experience related to women’s empowerment and education for sustainable development OR Strong experience with the UN advocacy/lobbying process;
Strong knowledge of GWI programmes and priorities;
Ability to make ad hoc oral presentations.
Please note: your application will only be considered if your NFA has paid its 2015 dues in full before your application is submitted.
Some places will be reserved for members of NFAs presenting parallel NGO events. One or two places may be reserved for high level experts. Priority will be given to members who are able to attend for at least 5 days.
Members who are interested in attending as part of GWI’s delegation, including those who have already expressed interest, should download the application form and send the completed form to no later than 1 October 2015 at midnight Central European Summer Time (CEST). This early deadline for applications will give the successful candidates more time to complete the US visa application process.
Please note:
While delegation members will have access to the many side panels and workshops, there will be limited access to the official government sessions.
GWI does not have any funding available to assist with travel, accommodation, subsistence or other costs.
Best regards,
Application for GWI’s Delegation to the
Application for GWI’s Delegation to the
60th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
14 – 24 March 2016, New York
To be returned to
by 1st
October 2015.
All information will be treated confidentially.
All information will be treated confidentially.
1. Title:
2. First name:
3. Last name:
4. National federation or association (NFA):
5. NFA 2015 dues paid: 

*Please note: your application will only be considered if
your NFA has paid its 2015 dues in full before your application is submitted.
SECTION 1 (required by GWI)
6. Profession/Occupation:
7. Reason why you would like to attend:
8. Experience/expertise related to the priority
theme: Women’s empowerment and the link to education for sustainable
9. Experience in UN advocacy/lobbying:
Would you be willing
to: (please circle YES or NO)
Be part of the GWI “lobbying team” –
this might mean spending long hours sitting outside the room where the Agreed Conclusions are being negotiated, or working on possible language inclusion in the Agreed Conclusions. YES / NO
Be part of the GWI “lobbying team” –
this might mean spending long hours sitting outside the room where the Agreed Conclusions are being negotiated, or working on possible language inclusion in the Agreed Conclusions. YES / NO
Posting information from the meetings
of the Commission on social
media. YES / NO
information from workshops and other sessions on social
media. YES / NO
reports for posting on the GWI website YES
/ NO
11. The dates for the CSW 60th Session
are from 14– 24 March 2016 (tentative). Which dates would you be able to
attend? (Please consider the whole period)
12. How would you describe your ability to make ad hoc oral presentations in English
(e.g., excellent, good, fair)?
SECTION 2 (required by CSW for
Contact details:
Permanent home address (including
14. Local Address in New York:
15. Date and place of birth (including city and country):
16. Emergency contact (a family member or friend who may be contacted in the
event of an emergency):
event of an emergency):
17. Weight (indicate whether kg/lbs):
18. Height (indicate whether in/cm):
19. Eye colour:
20. Hair colour:
SECTION 3 (required for visa
support letters)
21. Passport details:
Name exactly as written in passport:
Passport Number:
Country issuing passport:
Place of issue:
Date of issue:
Expiry date:
Apologies for cross posting
Graduate Women International
10, rue du Lac, CH-1207 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: (+41 22) 731 23 80; Fax: (+41 22) 738 04 40
E-mail:; Website:
Empowering women and girls through lifelong, quality education and training up to the highest levels. GWI, formerly International Federation of University Women , is in special consultative status with ECOSOC and is an NGO maintaining official relations with UNESCO.
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